TWENTY one public entities, mostly enterprises where the State is just an investor rather than a manager, including the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and its subsidiaries, have been exempted from the requirements of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act.
The Act allows the President, after consulting the
Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe, to exempt any public entity from
application of the Act, but the reasons have to be given in a gazetted notice.
In General Notice 146B of 2024 gazetted yesterday,
President Mnangagwa said the 21 entities were operating in competitive markets
or were managed by a third party under a management contract and so needed to
be exempted.
The 21 are: AFC Commercial Bank Limited, Aurex (Private)
Limited, Bindura Nickel Corporation Limited, Fidelity Gold Refinery (Private)
Limited, Freda Rebecca Gold Mine Limited, Great Dyke
Investments(Private)Limited, HomeLink (Private) Limited, Infrastructure
Development Bank of Zimbabwe, Jena Mines (Private) Limited, Kuvimba Mining
House (Private)Limited, National Venture Company (Private) Limited, NetOne
Cellular (Private) Limited, Printing and Minting Company of Zimbabwe (Private),
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, RESZIM Investments (Private) Limited, Sandawana
Mines(Private)Limited, Shamva Mining Company (Private) Limited, TelOne Private
Limited, POSB, Trojan Nickel Mine Limited, Zimbabwe Alloys Limited.
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