Wednesday, 12 July 2023


Deputy Prosecutor-General Mr Michael Reza has closed the State case after leading evidence from his last witness, Doctor Ushewokunze, who admitted to treating Mrs Tatiana Aleshina at Trauma Centre in Borrowdale, Harare.

Biti is facing charges of assaulting businesswoman Mrs Tatiana Aleshina at the Harare Magistrates Court.

Dr Ushewokunze had told the court that she treated Mrs Aleshina on November 30, 2019 at around 8.30pm and had prescribed some medicine for her.

The doctor told the court that Mrs Aleshina had visible pain on her right shoulder region after she examined her.

She said if a person is stressed or threatened, they can faint or in the worst case, can have a heart attack.

Soon after the State closed its case, Biti’s lawyer Mr Alec Muchadehama filed his intention to apply for discharge.

The matter took over two years for the trial to start owing to several court applications by Biti.

Four witnesses testified including Mrs Aleshina. Several applications for recusal of the magistrate were filed and dismissed by the court for lacking merit.

The High Court also dismissed some of the recusal applications.

The State was able to close its case despite several other court applications that included referral to Constitutional Court.

Mr Muchadehama indicated that he will file his application for discharge on July 26, and Mr Reza said he will submit his response on July 28. Herald


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