Monday 19 June 2023


ZANU-PF Second Secretary Cde Kembo Mohadi has said the ruling party is geared up for the harmonised elections even if the polls were to be held next week, and called on the youth to play their part to ensure a resounding victory.

The harmonised elections have been slated for August 23 with the ruling party is  embarking on a drive to drum up support from the grassroots as it aims for five million votes.

Speaking during a well-attended meeting dubbed “Ama2K4ED rally” at Prestige College in Bulawayo’s Cowdray Park suburb yesterday, Cde Mohadi said it is disturbing to note that more than four decades after the attainment of political independence, the country is yet to be economically independent.

He said the onus is on the young and first-time voters to ensure that it is attained through voting Zanu-PF back into power.

Cde Mohadi said when they took up arms to fight the colonial Ian Smith regime in the 1960s, they made it clear that the mission was to attain political and economic independence.

“It is very sad that after Independence in 1980, up to now, this very moment as I am standing in front of you, we haven’t attained economic independence, we haven’t attained  economic  emancipation, so it is you whom we are looking upon to fight a good fight so that you become economically emancipated,” he told the youths,” he said.

“Wealth should be in your hands. We must be prepared to sacrifice our time, our lives, and everything that we have in order to emancipate ourselves economically.”

Cde Mohadi said the United States of America and her Western allies will never want the youth to be emancipated economically.

He said the day Africa and Zimbabwe is emancipated economically, will mark the collapse of the economies of European countries.

“For them (Western countries) to be where they are, it is because they are under-developing us deliberately so that we remain where we are as their stooges or sources of raw materials as they continue enjoying the good life,” he said.

Cde Mohadi said now that Africa is demanding what belongs to her, the colonisers are beginning to do all sorts of things such as attacking the country’s currency. He said the party leadership is aware of the cause of rampant and unjustified price increases of goods, which is happening as the country heads towards elections.

“So, you the  2K4ED, it is upon yourselves to take this battle now, take up the arms. I am very much pleased to know that there is a demography of young people like you who have taken it upon themselves to pick up the struggle from where we have left,” said Cde Mohadi.

“We are talking about a revolution. We would want to be with you all the time, mentor you so that you are not going to sell this land to the whites. So come to Zanu-PF, ama2K4ED, come and work with the party of the people, the party that liberated this country.” Chronicle


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