Wednesday 28 June 2023


 A GIRL from Nketa suburb in Bulawayo stumbled on her brother’s body in a toilet, after he allegedly committed suicide.

Sydney Mano (32) was found by his younger sister and his landlord hanging from a rope on 26 June. 

Acting Bulawayo police spokesperson Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele said the young girl woke up at around 3 am to use the toilet and discovered the door was locked from the inside.

“She then waited for a few minutes hoping that the person who was in the toilet was going to come out. After noticing that the toilet was being occupied for too long, she went and complained to the landlord. The two went outside the house, peeped through the window, and saw the now deceased hanging from the roof truss using a blue rope. A police report was then made,’’ said Assistant Inspector Nomalanga Msebele.

 The matter was then reported to the police and Mano’s body was then taken to United Bulawayo Mortuary for post-mortem.

Police encouraged members of the public to seek counseling whenever they face problems. ‘’As police, we encourage people to seek counseling from elders or church leaders each time they encounter problems rather than taking away their lives,’’ she said. Chronicle


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