Monday 22 May 2023


TWO members of the national army were on Friday arrested for allegedly kidnapping two police officers.

Austin Chemunorwa and Tsungai Mashayamombe of Inkomo Barracks were reported to have kidnapped Constables Lazarus Chapendama and Milton Magaiza for pirating.

The two cops were kidnapped on Friday, at around 3pm.

The cops were on duty carrying out an operation against pirate taxis.

One of the touts told H-Metro that the soldiers parked a ZNA Mazda BT50 truck along Park Lane, near Harare Girls School, and started touting for passengers.

“The soldiers were subsequently arrested by the policemen for carrying passengers with a non-passenger service vehicle.

“The two police officers instructed the passengers to disembark from the vehicle.

 “They instructed the soldiers to drive to ZRP Harare Central.

“One of them, we were told, drove the vehicle to Josiah Tongogara Barracks,” he said.

Sources said a ZNA Colonel then ordered the soldiers to accompany the two policemen to ZRP Avondale, where the two soldiers were arrested for kidnapping.

Police could not be reached for comment last night.

However, H-Metro is reliably informed that the two soldiers were detained at Avondale Police Station under RRB 5523652. H Metro


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