Thursday 18 May 2023


ZIMBABWEANS have called on authorities to expedite the passage of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Amendment Bill (2022) and put an end to the tendency by opposition elements to badmouth the country for a few pieces of silver from detractors.

This comes as CCC spokesperson Advocate Fadzayi Mahere was in Geneva, Switzerland this week peddling falsehoods to her cheerleaders – who included well known enemies of Zimbabwe.

It also comes as the opposition, ahead of the harmonised elections this year, has upped its anti-Zimbabwe ante through a blizzard of falsehoods on social media platforms, again to their same audiences who maintain illegal sanctions on Zimbabwe.

Such dastardly and cowardly acts are often committed in the name of freedom of expression, but their effects on the country have been devastating due to the unflattering negative tag that they leave on Zimbabwe – prompting Zimbabweans from across the globe to call for the authorities to pass the Criminal Law Bill.

Amendments to the Bill were approved by Cabinet in November last year. They seek to impose stiffer penalties on those who denigrate the country through correspondence with foreign governments and hostile forces whose intention is to harm national interests.

A Zimbabwean, Ms Abigail Mupambi, said: “Fadzayi Mahere is a typical example of why we urgently need the Patriotic Act put into action. Her actions serve to confirm why even her Western masters, who were cheering her, activated the Logan Act in United States to safeguard their national interests.

“Such inept individuals are dangerous and must be whipped into line time and again. You don’t crop up from your backyard and speak like that on behalf of a nation, that is detrimental and unpalatable. Something must be done about this! Fighting Zanu PF is one thing, attacking Zimbabwe is something else!”

Another Twitter user, Mr Larry Charamba, wrote: “Some people would rather burn the ship because they can’t be captain. That’s toxic politics par excellence. The Patriotic Bill should be fast tracked to deal with those who tarnish the country’s image”.

Prominent lawyer Mr Tinomudaishe Chinyoka also wrote: “I have been on the fence regarding the practice of badmouthing one’s country while abroad, until now. I think it should be a crime, as it is detrimental to the country’s diplomatic relationships.

“Bad mouthing politicians in Zimbabwe in order to win votes is fine, but doing it outside the country to achieve the isolation of the country is not.

“Offenders should be banned from holding any public office for periods of up to 10 years. That way, politicians who cannot win votes on the ballot are deterred from inviting international regime change agents to help them get a leg up”.

The introduction of patriotism aspects into the country’s laws have been in the pipeline for some time after it emerged that some opposition elements were globe-trotting around Western capitals calling for the imposition of illegal sanctions for cheap political gain.

One of the key sponsors of the event in Geneva is the Raoul Wallenberg Centre which is linked to Mr George Soros, the chairman of the Open Society Institute and a well-known anti-Zimbabwe billionaire and sponsor of regime change across the globe.

The Criminal Law Bill enhances the provisions of the Criminal Law Code in matters relating to the country’s sovereignty through the criminalisation of conduct that undermines Zimbabwe’s sovereignty, dignity, independence and national interests. Herald


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