RERUNS for the Zanu PF primary elections will be held tomorrow with any candidate who will engage in acts of violence facing immediate expulsion.
Reruns will be held in Mbare, Churu, Gokwe-Nembudziya and
Zvimba West constituencies, while in Insiza South, a rerun will be conducted on
April 22.
Voting will run from 7am-3pm.
Immediately after 3pm, vote counting will start and will be
finished by 6pm. The results collated from the respective constituencies will
be relayed to the Constituency Command Centre which in turn will advise the
National Command Centre.
Speaking at a press briefing last night, Zanu PF National
Political Commissar Cde Mike Bimha said formal preliminary results will be
announced on Monday next week.
“The ad-hoc special committee has been meeting for several
days to make sure that each and every complaint is received and considered and
recommendations made to the Politburo.
“Now that the reruns will be conducted, the tribunal will
no longer meet to consider complaints from the primaries. If at all the
tribunal is going to sit, they will probably be sitting to consider complaints
from the re-runs, but I don’t expect any,” said Cde Bimha.
The party has deployed Politburo members to the outstanding
constituencies to ensure a smooth rerun of the primary elections.
“In order to make sure that we have a smooth rerun, we have
deployed Politburo members to the five constituencies. They will be at the
Constituency Command Centre.
“We have deployed two members of the Politburo to each
constituency and these constituencies have varying numbers of polling stations
and each polling centre will have a Central Committee member to supervise the
elections at that polling station,” said Cde Bimha.
The Central Committee members will not be from the
provinces where elections will be held.
They will be supervising the work of the presiding officers
as well as polling officers.
“Tomorrow (Friday), all the candidates concerned will be at
the party headquarters so that they are briefed on the party’s expectations,”
Cde Bimha said.
If any candidate is accused of violence, he or she will be
In Mbare, the supervising teams are coming from Mashonaland
Central, and the Politburo members who will be supervising the elections are
Cdes Engelbert Rugeje and Mackenzie Ncube.
In Churu constituency, the supervising teams will come from
Mashonaland East province and supervisors are Cdes Paul Mangwana and Kenneth
In Zvimba West Constituency, the supervising teams will be
from the Midlands provinces and monitored by Cdes Simbarashe Mumbengegwi and
Elifas Mashaba.
In Gokwe-Nembudziya, the supervising team will come from
Masvingo and monitored by Cdes Douglas Mombeshora and Michael Nyambuya.
Mbare constituency will have 10 polling stations, while
Churu will have 25, Zvimba West 24, Insiza South 35, and Gokwe-Nembudziya 28.
Cde Bimha appealed to party members in various
constituencies to come in their numbers and exercise their right to vote for
their preferred candidates. Herald
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