Sunday, 2 April 2023


THE Government says it will introduce a Work-for-Fees programme in all technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions to alleviate the plight of students from vulnerable backgrounds.

This will be coupled with the establishment of hybrid companies that will commercialise TVET innovation products and services.

This was revealed by the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development Professor Amon Murwira, as Chairman of the Cabinet Committee on Human Capital Development, Skills Audit and Employment Creation, on the Zimbabwe National Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Policy to Cabinet.

In her post-Cabinet briefing yesterday, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said Cabinet approved the all-encompassing policy which will harmonise and standardise the coordination of TVET across line Ministries.

“Presently, the coordination of TVET is fragmented throughout 10 Ministries. As the nation may recall, the Second Republic is on a trajectory to transform the education system from the traditional Education 3.0 model which prioritised Teaching, Research and Community Service to one that puts emphasis on Teaching, Research, Community Service, Innovation and Industrialisation and is termed Heritage-Based Education 5.0.

“This model is grounded on production of goods and services, thereby creating entrepreneurs for the industrialisation and modernisation of Zimbabwe. The policy seeks to align education and skills training in order to promote wealth creation and entrepreneurship opportunities,” said the Minister.

She said the thrust of the Second Republic was that all learning in tertiary institutions shall be for the purpose of advancing national development.

Minister Mutsvangwa said the TVET Policy was anchored on reconfiguring and strengthening programme infrastructure, strengthening human capital infrastructure, developing and maintaining physical and digital infrastructure.

As well as strengthening the legal infrastructure and facilitating the deployment of innovative financing infrastructure.

The Minister added: “It is envisaged that the implementation of the National TVET Policy will culminate in the realisation of a centrally coordinated and regulated TVET qualifications system, harmonised and standardized qualifications, in line with the Heritage-Based Education 5.0 Model.”

She said its benefits also include guaranteed horizontal portability and vertical articulation of qualifications across line Ministries and improved quality of TVET across Ministries, in line with the country’s Vision 2030.

Of key will also be economies of scale and scope in production of TVET graduates and enhanced industrial productivity and competitiveness of the graduates, in line with Vision 2030.

Minister Mutsvangwa said: “The national is further being informed that the Technical Vocational Education Training Policy will apply to all Government-owned or private institutions which offer technical and vocational education. The operations of these institutions are regulated by the Manpower Planning and Development Act.  Government appreciates the role being played by the private sector towards provision of technical and vocational education through financial contributions to the Zimbabwe Manpower Development Fund (ZIMDEF).”

She said Government will come up with an inclusive and sustainable financing model on grants and loans to TVET institutions by Government itself, Banks, Pension Funds and the Zimbabwe Manpower Development Fund.

The Minister said manuals for various trades will be developed, including in all the national languages, in order to enhance opportunities for training for students from diverse backgrounds. Sunday News


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