Saturday, 5 November 2022


PRESIDENT Mnangagwa is proving to be very popular with Apostolic sects in Bulawayo being the latest movement to throw its weight behind the first citizen of Zimbabwe.

Today, all Apostolic sects in Bulawayo are converging at Madzibaba Emmanuel Mutumwa Johane Masowe Chishanu shrine in Bulawayo’s Selborne Park suburb where they will endorse President Mnangagwa as the man they want to lead Zimbabwe after next year’s polls and launch an organisation with the moniker “Mapostori for ED”. ED stands for Economic Development.

The Mapostori for ED Bulawayo chapter was created three months ago and the union has been preparing for the launch which is set for today. The launch is set to start at 8am.

Madzibaba Mutumwa said the gathering of the chapter is meant to pray for the country and to support President Mnangagwa.

“We have more than five million people who are already part of the apostolic organisation. Despite the difference that we have as the Apostolic sector we still came together and formed this chapter. This shows that we are looking forward to a united Zimbabwe that will support our President in everything that he is doing,” said Madzibaba Mutumwa.

He said they have a lot of small to medium enterprises (SMEs) that they are currently running and believes these businesses can contribute to economic development.

“Once this chapter starts working at full swing, we are sure the SMEs that are already at our disposal will be uplifted and people who need help in establishing their businesses will find it very easy,” said Madzibaba Mutumwa.

He expects large numbers of people to show up at the venue as they celebrate the official launch.

“We are looking forward to the work that is going to be done by the Apostolic sector to change the economy of the country and to pray for our President so that he never runs out of power to continue leading us as a nation,” he said. Chronicle


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