Tuesday, 1 November 2022


A HARARE businessman has a video recording of suspects who smashed their way into his car and stole valuables in a car park on Saturday.

Brian Mukudzavhu, whose company Axis Solutions is one of the biggest  sponsors of Division One football in the country, recorded a motorist, who was trailing him, from Leopold Takawira to a sports club in Alexandra Park, where he parked his vehicle.

The video shows the blue Honda Fit, which the thieves used, parked opposite Girls High School, at around 3pm, earlier that day.

It is also believed that is from where they trailed the businessman.

The video also shows the thieves smashing the car’s windows.

The blue Honda Fit did not have registration plates.

“I suspected one motorist, who trailed me until I parked my vehicle at the sports club,” said Mukudzavhu.

“I returned to the car park, in about 12 minutes’ time, and found the window smashed.

“I lost a laptop, a bag with cash and valuables.

“You cannot confront anyone following you, but I recorded vehicles in front and behind me.’

He added: “One of the motorists, who was driving a Honda Fit without registration plates, is the one who trailed me to where I parked.

“From the video, a man covering his face with a mask is seen, and another man, who is limping, is also seen.”

Harare provincial police spokesperson Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, confirmed the incident, saying investigations had since begun.

“Police are investigating a case of theft from a car which took place on Saturday at a local sports club,” said Insp Chakanza. H Metro


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