Jamwanda on Saturday
ZANU PF’s elective congress came and lingers on, breaking many editorial and oppositional political bones in its wake. These proponents of conspiracies, so wont to painting hellfire scenarios for Zanu PF and its Presidium, including wild claims the Presidium would split in the middle at the congress, are licking their wounds, bitterly.
The well-choreographed Zanu PF congress inflicted worse
damage on Chamisa and his thing.
Chamisa is our son. His political thing is on our land,
part of the national body-politic.
We cannot throw him away, even reflect us, in part. But
both he and his thing emit a strange smell of some ancient and decayed fish!
Chamisa gave away something incredibly frank, and political
ungainly if you ask me.
This week, he claimed Zanu PF is infiltrating his “party”,
and baiting away his senior members through pecuniary offers. Set aside claims
of money, or any other mephistophelian temptations as alleged; Chamisa is
confirming deep division in his thing; hinting even, at debilitating
exfoliation I know is now inevitable.
There is deep disgruntlement in his thing’s ranks. Multiple
splits and defections are imminent.
Not because Zanu PF has done anything more than being
there, in its highly organised, winning form.
Simply because Chamisa has created a Minotaur: half man and
half donkey as in legends of yore!
No one knows what it is they are taking to impending
harmonised elections; what it is they hope to offer to Zimbabweans on Election
Their funeral; we have more serious business to draw your
attention to, and help analyse! Herald
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