The local authority by-elections in Binga, Victoria Falls and Gweru will be held on December 3, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) has announced.
The nomination court to receive nomination papers for
aspsiring candidates will seat on 3 November.
“It is hereby notified in terms of section 121A of the
Electoral Act (Chapter 2:13), that following the recall of councilors by their
sponsoring party vacancies have arisen in the following wards: Binga RDC ward
6, Binga RDC ward 8, Binga RDC ward 10, Binga RDC ward 15, Binga RDC ward 20,
Binga RDC ward23, Gweru Municipality ward 4, Gweru Municipality ward 5, Gweru
Municipality ward 18, Victoria Falls Municipality ward 8,” said Zec Chief
Elections Officer Utloile Silaigwana in a notice.
“In relation to the election of the councilors for the said
wards, nomination courts shall sit on Thursday 3 November 2022 commencing from
1000hours to 1600 hours at the offices of the Chief Executive Officer for Binga
Rural District Council, Binga, for the purposes of receiving nominations of
candidates for elections as councilors for the vacant wards 6, 8,10, 15, 20 and
23 of Binga Rural District Council; and
“The office of the Town Clerk for Gweru Municipality, Gweru
for the purpose of receiving nominations of candidates for election as
councilors for the vacant wards 4, 5 and 18 of Gweru Municipality.”
Silaigwana added, “The offices of the Town Clerk for
Victoria Falls Municipality, Victoria Falls, for purposes of receiving
nominations of candidates for election as councilor for the vacant wards 8 of
Victoria Falls Municipality.”
These are likely to
be the last by-elections ahead of the 2023 general elections as the electoral
body recently announced that any vacancy that arises after 1 November will not
be filled through a by-election. CITE
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