Monday 5 September 2022


DYNAMOS striker, Alex Orotomal, has been accused of neglecting his family back home in Nigeria, H-Metro can reveal.

The striker joined the Glamour Boys earlier this season for an undisclosed fee.

However, Orotomal is believed to have been neglecting his twins, according to his former wife, Victoria Ekpiken.

Ekpiken reached out to Orotomal’s bosses in Harare claiming she couldn’t get through to him for the past eight months.

She claims he has a pending case with the police in Nigeria, in which she is also the complainant against the striker.

Ekpiken claims the forward left them owing 50 000 Nigerian Nairas (equivalent to US$100) rent and the twins need 14 000 Nigerian Naira (equivalent to US$50) each as school fees as they will return to school in the next two weeks.

“The last message we got from him is a Happy New Year text to his children on January 1 this year and nothing else.

“He has disconnected from all his friends in Nigeria who told him not to neglect his family.

“I have tried to contact his family but to no good. When we were married they used to be caring but since our divorce they have also turned a blind eye totally,” said Ekpiken.

Ekpiken said she is only after child maintenance and nothing more.

“If the Dynamos management can help on this one, I don’t want our differences to affect the future of his children.

“I want his salary to be divided 50-50 with his children so that they can have a better life and at the same time the father won’t suffer in the end.

“I don’t mind whether he apologises to me or not. Let God be the judge, I have never offended him.

“I remember fasting for his success while I was pregnant with the twins, now I don’t have his contacts after wishing him all the best in his career,” she said.

She said she has been forced to speak out for the benefit of her minor children.

Ekpiken has also threatened to curse the striker if he doesn’t change his attitude.

“I have been silent for the past seven months and he thinks I am dumb or uneducated but that’s not true.

“I used to talk to him through a handler who no longer picks up my calls or delivers my messages to him. He also wasted my time claiming that Alex has no contacts in Zimbabwe.

“My prayer for Alex is to play in Europe and sign a better contract and he should not push me to do otherwise because even the club that he is signed to right now will cancel his contract.

“He should not push me because I can make sure he comes back to Nigeria empty handed and that no other club will ever sign him,” she added.

Contacted for comment, Orotomol claimed his ex-wife was trying to tarnish his image.  

“I just want to thank her for taking good care of the kids. I am very busy with work, that’s why I have not been calling her.

“I saw the messages and listened to voice notes she sent to my bosses and the threats which she needs to stop.

“What we had in the past has gone. She tried to manipulate me to get married against my family’s wish,” said Orotomol.

The football star said he will never neglect his children.

“These are all threats and manipulation about the marriage which was never there.

“My duty is to take care of my kids and I was only keeping quiet for reasons best known to me.

“But God will judge her for all the wickedness she is doing to me,” said the striker. H Metro


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