Monday 25 April 2022


ANDY Muridzo has suspended his manager Onsimo Sain amid claims of mismanagement of funds and gross misconduct.

In a letter dated April 21, Muridzo wrote to Sain advising him of his suspension.

Ironically, Muridzo posted a video on his Instagram account accusing Sain of having built a house using his funds.

Muridzo’s letter reads: “This note constitutes official notice of your suspension from Andy Muridzo & Jeetaz Band because of your most recent actions which include mismanagement of funds, gross negligence, ill treatment of the band and insubordination.

“Your suspension is until further notice. “Below are the terms of your suspension:

1) Unless contacted beforehand, you are not permitted to interfere with the administration of all Muridzo Fan groups with immediate effect.

2) You are not permitted to use the official social media platforms including email to correspond with fans and stakeholders.

3) We advise you to refrain from making any public comments about the Muridzo brand as this is beyond your role

4) Please make yourself available should we need further information from you.

“I wish to reiterate that you should always remember your position, roles and responsibilities within the organisation, and you are expected to strongly adhere to the band’s policies and procedures.

“If you have any questions regarding this suspension or if you have any important information that could shed further light on these allegations, please do not hesitate to contact me.” H Metro


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