Tuesday, 15 March 2022


FORMER Dynamos defender, Stanley “Samora” Chirambadare is back in court today for judgment in the matter he is accused of aggravated indecent assault on a teenage boy.

Chirambadare, on his last appearance, testified as the star witness in his defence, and will know his fate today.

The former soccer star pleaded not guilty to indecently assaulting the boy.

He denied forcing himself on the teenager as alleged and argued the complainant came up with the allegations, after he had moved from the academy, led by Chirambadare.

Allegations are that in March last year, the complainant and his friends went to Chirambadare’s house, to clean it, and they were given some sweets, in return.

One the day in question, the complainant was alone and he claims that after cleaning the house, the accused called him inside so that he could give him sweets.

While inside the house, Chirambadare allegedly forced himself on the boy and threatened to kill him if he reported the incident to anyone.

The boy did not tell anyone until he developed piles.

He then told his uncle about the incident, leading to Chirambadare’s arrest.

Valerie Ngoma appeared for the State. H Metro


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