Monday, 2 August 2021


GOVERNMENT yesterday gazetted new criminal offence fines for vending, public fighting and drinking, among others which will see those found guilty serving one-year sentence or paying fines ranging from $500 to $500 000.

The new fines were gazetted by Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs minister Ziyambi Ziyambi, and are contained in Statutory Instrument 209 of 2021. Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (Standard Scale of Fines) Notice, 2021.

According to the new schedule of fines, level one cases that include vending, public fighting and public drinking will attract a maximum of one-year in jail, or/and a fine of $500.

Level one crimes will attract fines according to their seriousness, while level 14 crimes are serious crimes that include rape, forgery, criminal abuse of office, and robbery, among others.

Offenders who fall under level 11 to 14 will have to fork out fines ranging from $100 000 to $500 000 and prison sentences. Level two to 10 crimes will now carry maximum fines of $1 000 to $70 000.

The level 10 offences include abortion, and perjury, among other offences that attract sentence of a maximum of five years imprisonment. Newsday


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