ONE of Binga’s longest serving chiefs, Chief Kavula of Lubimbi has died at the age of 90.
His nephew Mr Divilious Sibanda said Chief Kavula, born
Mukusi Nkamu Muleya died at Binga District Hospital on Sunday after a long
The late Chief Kavula occupied the throne for 37 years
after having been installed in 1984, succeeding his brother who had died in
“He had been unwell for the past four years. We have lost
our pillar as a family and community and we are in the process of organising
burial which could be Friday,” he said.
Chief Pashu of neighbouring Pashu area said Chief Kavula
was the only surviving senior chief in the district until his death on Sunday.
Matabeleland North Provincial Development Co-ordinator’s
office said preparations for his burial were underway.
Chief Kavula was born on September 8, 1931 and was
appointed Chief Kavula on February 1 in 1984 taking over from his brother Zenge
Kavula who was murdered during the liberation war in 1978.
Chief Kavula and his subjects settled in Lubimbi in the
1950s after being displaced by the white settler regime from Kana Block area
near Umguza, where they had initially settled earlier.
Lubimbi borders with Lusulu, east of Lake Gwayi-Shangani.
He will be remembered for being a resolute traditionalist
who proudly stuck to his culture and over the years conducted spiritual rain
making ceremonies, according to his subjects.
Chief Kavula is survived by four wives, 16 children and 49
grand and great grandchildren. Chronicle
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