Thursday 6 February 2020


The MDC is implementing international best practice in its financial systems

The report in today’s issue of Newsday about $2 million missing from MDC coffers is false, misleading and alarmist.

For the record, the party has implemented adequate systems to ensure that party funds are used in a transparent and professional manner for the good of the party.

In order to enhance and engender a culture of transparency, which is one of the party’s cardinal values, the MDC has contracted a firm of auditors in line with its Congress resolutions to conduct an audit of the party’s accounts for the year ended 31st December 2019.

The audit currently underway is the first of such routine audits, which has nothing to do with the false reports of any missing funds. This is the first time any political party in Zimbabwe has subjected its accounts to an audit, and is the part of a wider programme to transform the MDC into a party which meets the best international standards of internal governance.

All political parties should do the same in the interests of transparency and accountability because these are taxpayers’ funds received by political parties under the Political Parties Finance Act. Currently being conducted is a routine audit to ensure that the party’s finances and accounting systems are given a thorough check in the true spirit of transparency and accountability. I stress this is not a forensic audit.

Neither the Treasurer-General nor the Secretary - General has received reports of any missing funds. Since the MDC is a party of excellence, the findings of the party audit will be furnished to all relevant authorities and organs, including Parliament.

If anything untoward is revealed in the audit, such issues will be addressed then.

Senator David Coltart
MDC Treasurer-General


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