Saturday, 7 December 2019


Deliberations at the annual indaba of the ruling party scheduled for Goromonzi, Mashonaland East, this week will mainly focus on “challenges facing the country”, particularly prices of basic commodities and improving people’s standards of living, Zanu-PF Secretary for Administration Dr Obert Mpofu has said.

About 5 000 party delegates from across the country are expected to attend the 18th Annual People’s Conference at Goromonzi High School.

Another 2 000 participants from private organisations, including other political parties, will also attend. The five-day event kicks off with Politburo and Central Committee meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.

Delegates are expected to travel to the venue on Thursday, where proceedings will begin the next day.

However, discussions at the conference, which is running under the theme “Modernise, Mechanise and Grow the Economy”, would likely centre on policies to grow the economy and improve people’s livelihoods.

“We understand the challenges facing the country in terms of prices of basic commodities,” said Dr Mpofu. 

“As you aware, the President (Emmerson Mnangagwa) recently directed the return of subsidies. We are sensitive to the plight of our people that after this conference it will be all systems go, for the betterment of the life of our people.”

Cabinet ministers have been invited to give an outline of the progress made in the journey to achieve a moderately prosperous society in 11 years’ time.

Government’s Vision 2030 is premised on establishing an upper-middle income society, which implies growing the country’s economic output (Gross Domestic Product) from an estimated US$25 billion last year to US$65 billion in 2030.

Delegates, Dr Mpofu said, will break into select committees where resolutions will be drawn on the deliverables that people expect in the coming year.

Some of the key issues on the agenda include devolution, food security, social services, macro-economic stability, inclusive growth, infrastructure development, as well as value addition and beneficiation.

People will also know what to expect next year, added Dr Mpofu. 

He said: “So there is going to be a takeaway for everyone. They will have a deeper understanding of how the economy is running and what they can also look forward to in the next year. That is why at the end of the conference, there will be resolutions that will aim to direct Government on what they need to do to better people’s lives.”

The conference comes after Zanu-PF recently remodelled itself by seconding senior officials to run the secretariat at the party’s headquarters.

Professionals have also been recruited to superintend over finances, research, policy formulation, as well as social media presence.

The ruling party now has a resource mobilisation unit, under which the party has its own income-generating projects, an investment committee, and a research and policy unit.

President Mnangagwa told an extraordinary Zanu-PF Politburo meeting last week that the conference must provide appropriate policy direction to Government and outline achievable goals in line with policy targets.

“Our conference must proffer the appropriate policy direction to Government and outline achievable goals. We will not tolerate armchair leaders. The culture of the Second Republic is servant leadership. Those who are not prepared to fold their sleeves and work for the party, bad luck. We must remain a listening party,” he said. Sunday Mail


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