Monday, 11 November 2019


In a shock move, Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals Chief Executive Officer, Thomas Zigora who was fired in April this year has gone back to Government to demand reinstatement of his monthly salary and other benefits despite having received a golden handshake at the time.

His new demands which were triggered by the 908% salary increases given to senior civil servants in August will cost the cash-strapped Government hundreds of thousands of dollars if granted.

Health Services Board Chief Executive Officer Ruth Runyararo Kaseke asked The Mirror to talk to Zigora himself when approached for a comment.

Zigora retorted angrlily when asked for a comment by The Mirror. He referred questions to the Public Service Commission “of what interest is this to you? We will tell you when its done,” he said.  Authoritative sources at the Health Services Board told The Mirror that Zigora was fired after he absented himself from work on a day that President Mnangagwa and the Minister of Health and Child Care, Obadiah Moyo were to visit Parirenyatwa Hospital.

Government felt his absence on such an important occasion meant that he could not work with the new dispensation and therefore his three year contract which was supposed to end on 28 February 2020 was prematurely terminated.

He was given a golden handshake and paid salaries for the outstanding months and any other pertinent packages thereby closing the contract.

However, with the assistance of colleagues inside the Health Services Board, Zigora has allegedly returned to Government and is claiming entitlement to a 908% salary increase given to senior civil servants in his grade in August this year. His argument is that he could have benefitted from the increase had his contract not been prematurely terminated.

This means that he will enjoy this increase while sitting at home and yet Government is already paying someone acting in his position.

The salary for Zigora’s grade jumped from RTGS$1 190 to RTGS$12 000 per month and he is demanding the difference until next year. A letter has already been written to the Salary Service Bureau to honour this demand.

“Zindoga’s case was closed after he received all his terminal benefits but what is surprising is that his case has been resuscitated and a letter has been written to the effect that he should get all salary increases given to civil servants after he went into retirement.

‘His case is receiving favourable consideration and his salary payments maybe reinstated anytime. However, this not proper and it is corruption,” said a source. Masvingo Mirror


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