Sunday 22 September 2019


National hero and Zimbabwe’s former President Cde Robert Mugabe died of advanced prostate cancer.

The revelation  follows widespread conjecture and theories. However, impeccable sources said that Cde Mugabe had died of advanced prostate cancer, which he failed to recover from after a six-month stay in Singapore, where he received treatment at Gleneagles Hospital.

Prostate cancer spreads when cancer cells break free from the prostate and spread to other organs which might cause new tumours. 

According to internet medical sources, advanced prostate cancer is hard to cure as it often moves into the bones before spreading to other organs including the lungs, liver or brain.

The sources revealed: “The President’s death has been subject to speculation since he passed away, but I can authoritatively reveal that he died from prostate cancer. The cause of death had not been known to many people except his close family members.”

According to the sources, Cde Mugabe had been going for month-long routine check-ups to Singapore before his physicians resolved that he be kept under observation for much longer, from early April this year.

At the beginning of August, President Mnangagwa deployed a delegation led by Chief Secretary in the Office of the President and Cabinet Misheck Sibanda, Cde Mugabe’s personal physician Professor Jonathan Matenga and Director-General in the Office of the President and Cabinet Ambassador Isaac Moyo to check on his health, which had deteriorated.

The sources revealed that although the former leader looked frail and wheelchair bound, in his last days, he still maintained a sharpness of mind as he could easily recognise faces and engage in insightful conversation. Sunday Mail


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