Sunday, 5 November 2017


14:21- First Lady Grace Mugabe rises to address the thousands in attendance and starts with slogans in recognition of the congregants.

14:26 – Mugabe starts by acknowledging the presents of all denominations by name.
14:27 - “Today is your day. We must worship all the time. We have to seek God all the time. We have to understand that we sin, as a people, and that should make us seek God every time.
“We might be coming from different denominations, but the God we are seeking is one. We need to maintain peace. let us pray to God, thanking Him for giving us a leader, President Mugabe who preaches peace all the time.
14:30 – We were under the repression of the British colonial government. We do not forget therefore those who fought for this independence. We do not look at people from an ethnic perspective.
14:31 – “Hatidi kuti vanhu vatitarisire pasi. Imi vanhu vechipositori, tiri vanhu vatinokudza, Tinoda kuti muitewo zvikoro zvenyu, vana vaende kuchikoro. Knowledge is power. Kana wava nefundo, hapana anogona kukuitisa zvausingade, nekuti unenge wava nefundo.

14:32 – Dr Mugabe says people must seek wisdom from God through prayer. She says she respects apostolic congregants and that their white regalia is as white as their hearts.
13:58 – The Minister of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Cde Makhosini Hlongwane describes members of indigenous churches as humble and always looked down upon by the society. He says their needs, especially that of stands, are addressed. He adds that members of these churches contribute a lot to the development of the country through environmental conservation such as planting trees.

13:30 – We get solidarity messages from representatives of various indigenous churches present.

13:24 – A representative from Vapostori vekwaWimbo said there has never been another prophecy since the 1957 prophecy which revealed that this country was going to be ruled by a person with an angel’s name, Angel Gabriel.

13:20 – Reverend Tititi Moyo of the Christ Apostolic Church says historic events are going to manifest after the interface. He said it is not easy to fend for orphans and one who is toiling night and day to provide shelter and food for other people’s children will rule this country one day.

13:15 – Bishop Ndanga says the government must give indigenous churches stands free of charge, and empower leaders to become marriage officers.

13:09 – He says the indigenous churches were responsible for Zanu PF and President Robert Mugabe’s election victory in 2013. He adds that they are fully behind the leadership of Cde Mugabe. He says President Mugabe must rule until he dies, since the churches ordain Bishops to lead until they die. He says he is the ACCZ President until he dies. 

13:05 – Bishop Ndanga says this is the best day for the indigenous church. “Nomatter the objective, this is the best thing to ever happen to the people of indigenous churches.”

13:04 – ACCZ President, Bishop Johannes Ndanga takes to the podium to address the crowd.

12:59 – Cde Chikukwa says President Robert Mugabe is a leader anointed by God. She urges the crowd to go a read Exodus 23:22.

12:58 – The Minister of State for Harare Provincial Affairs, Cde Miriam Chikukwa gives welcome remarks.


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