Saturday, 18 November 2017


TRADITIONAL leaders have hailed the Zimbabwe Defence Forces’ intervention in containing a near political and economic crisis caused by incessant infighting in Zanu PF.

Speaking at a solidarity rally at the Zimbabwe Grounds in Highfield yesterday, Zimbabwe Council of Chiefs representative, Chief Ephias Munodawafa Murinye said, “We hail the ZDF for the intervention to stop an economic, social and political crisis yanga yakonzerwa nevana vadiki vasina kuona hondo ava.

“This development will see us discharging our mandate without fear or coercion. It is our hope that the economy will soon take shape.” Chief Murinye said some of them were never consulted on the decision to endorse President Mugabe as the 2018 Presidential candidate.
He lambasted Local Government, Public Works and National Housing Minister Cde Saviour Kasukuwere for interfering in the appointment of traditional leaders.

“Some politicians were interfering with how we worked. Ndosaka tauya pano kuti vanhu vakadaro vabudiswe musystem zvachose,” said the traditional leader.

“We also urge people to be united and shun tribalism.” Chief Murinye said he was one of First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe’s avid supporters but stopped when she showed signs of tribalism through the song ‘Mazezuru unconquerable’.

“Kana zvinhu zvasvika pakudaro mukuru (President Mugabe) akanyarara, it’s a sign that he is no longer in control so it’s better vaende kunozorora,” he said.

“We, however, thank the President for the land reform which benefited all traditional chiefs who are the custodians of land.” A student representative, Mitchell Mugoronji, also thanked the ZDF for the intervention. “We are happy that those two million promised jobs can now be delivered by able minds,” she said.
The rally was attended by politicians from various political parties including Zanu-PF Politburo members Cdes Patrick Chinamasa, Oppah Muchinguri, Prisca Mupfumira and Tshinga Dube.

Also in attendance were Deputy Speaker of National Assembly Marble Chinomona, National People’s Party leader Dr Joice Mujuru, MDC vice president Nelson Chamisa and People’s Democratic Party leader Tendai Biti. Sunday Mail 


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