Wednesday, 4 October 2017


The Commercial Sugarcane Farmers Association of Zimbabwe has been accused of funding the National People’s Party (NPP) operations, sparking outrage among subscribing members. The association’s executive is alleged to have refused calls by members to replace the disgraced former Vice President Dr Joyce Mujuru as their patron when she was expelled from Zanu-PF. Chiredzi West Member of Parliament Cde Darlington Chiwa yesterday said the farmers approached him over the issue.

He said members also questioned why they have maintained former Energy and Power Development Minister Dzikamai Mavhaire as their trustee at Cane Lands Trust. Mavhaire, who was expelled from Zanu-PF together with Dr Mujuru, is the NPP national chairman.
“We thought the recent AGM would denounce Amai Mujuru as the patron since that was the correct procedure, but to everyone’s surprise, they continued to ignore this important matter. To make matters worse, Mavhaire is still their trustee at Cane Lands Trust and you just wonder what the executive will be discussing with a team which is plotting against Zanu-PF,” said Cde Chiwa.

Cde Chiwa said the association barred farmers from having their debts for tractors issued under the Mechanisation Programme be absorbed under the Reserve Bank Debt Assumption Act.

“They are benefiting from the money which the 39 beneficiaries are losing through deductions,” he said. “To everyone’s surprise, the company which supplied these tractors liquidated years back and the executive ignored this just because they know where the money is going.”

CSFAZ chairman Mr Tawanda Mafurutu could not confirm or deny the allegations of links with Dr Mujuru.

“What I know is that tractors came and people were given on credit and they must pay,” he said. “We don’t need to complicate things, people must just pay. This is what was agreed on.”

Mr Mafurutu added: “Go and ask those who are telling you that. Ask your sources. I can’t comment on something I don’t know.”


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