An alleged illegal money lender, Isaac Matinyarare is accused of forcibly taking possession of a silver Nissan Sulphy Bluebird vehicle from Phillip Mafuta over a purported US$60 debt. Mafuta confirmed the incident to The Mirror and said that Matinyarare confiscated the car along with essential documents and personal belongings. He said among the items confiscate were the Agreement of Sale, Vehicle Registration Book, spare keys, and main keys to the car.
Masvingo Acting Police Spokesperson Masauso Patinyu said he was yet to look into the matter. Matinyarare of 85 B Curve, Chiredzi said that Mafuta owed him US$1 000. He promised to send the parties signed affidavit and had not done so by the time of going to Press. The Mirror has it on good authority that several vehicles belonging to individuals who owe Matinyarare are parked at Chiredzi Police Station. Masvingo Mirror
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