Sunday, 18 August 2024



Interesting report. But it's a major let down when the media goes capriciously frivolous, like this.

Firstly, there was no "Mnangagwa Sadc  Party" in Harare yesterday;  there was a major Sadc event, not a Zimbabwe event and not a Mnangagwa event.

The major event was the 44th Ordinary SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government; and out of 16, 13 heads attended, meaning only three heads were absent; and they delegated their representation.

Therefore, the 44th Ordinary SADC Summit in Harare was very well attended, without any question whatsoever about that.

Secondly, it is a gross exaggeration and in fact inaccurate to describe President Hichilema's absence or non attendance as a 'snub' of Zimbabwe or President Mnangagwa; if it was, then it was not a snub of Zimbabwe or Mnangagwa, but a childish snub of the 44th Ordinary SADC Summit organised by @SADC_News which would not speak well of or bode well for President Hichilema in terms of his leadership standing and influence in the region.

Heads of state and government are not expected to personalise state or government affairs, let alone interstate affairs, by being sulky, moody or petulant over national, regional or geopolitical issues. When there are differences in these issues, leaders are expected to rise to the occasion, not to retreat to the village and seek sanctuary there.

And to add an important perspective to this, and with due respect to him, President Hichilema is not a consequential African, regional or even national leader or figure. His attendance or non attendance of any multilateral forum is a perfunctory matter of no substantive consequence.

In any event, and above all, it is important to keep in mind that Sadc is an interstate, multilateral body whose members are states or countries, not individuals of any description or status.

It is a fact that Zambia, as a country which is a cofounder of Sadc founded on its soil in 1980, attended the 44th Ordinary SADC Summit held in πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡Ό.

If Zambia had not attended the 44thOrdinary Sadc Summit in Harare yesterday, then there would be something to write home about. But πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡² attended. Full stop. This is the only relevant and important fact. The rest is just drama! He was writing on X


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