Some Members of Parliament are furious after their vehicle loans were cut from US$60 000 to US$50 000.
Thank you Madam Speaker. I stand on a
point of privilege with reference to what happened last year. This House sat and debated on the
budget. We did an appropriation and
allocations were done. I am talking
specifically to issues that affect the constituencies of MPs and their
privileges. Firstly, we approved the CDF
and secondly as Parliament, we approved that Members should have access to
loans for vehicles to the tune of US$60000.
After that process and all debates were done with people sleeping very
late debating, all of a sudden people are notified through the grapevine,
social media connections and all other connections through verbal talk that the
loan facility has been reduced from US$60000 to US$50000. In that process, already there was an
Appropriation Bill which had approved that and the Finance Bill as well was
approved. Who had the power to go
against an Act which had already been assented to, to affect the privileges for
Members to be allocated CDF to develop their constituencies to a tune of
US$50000? Up to now, no-one has received
anything. Secondly, for Members to be
denied access to a loan which had been approved. All of a sudden that loan has changed and
Members have been short changed. Who had
the powers to go against an Act which is already in place and what powers were
used to go against that Act? Madam
Speaker, I seek your guidance to get clear information and as to who directed
that position. I thank you.
Thank you Hon. Mutseyami. I am
not sure if you were in the House when I gave an announcement in response to
Hon. Matewu’s point of privilege.
HON. MUTSEYAMI: Yes, Madam Speaker, I was present in the
House, but my prayer is totally different from what Hon. Matewu spoke about if
you go through what I just said.
All the matters which you are raising Hon. Mutseyami are being discussed
by the CSRO and next week, a meeting has been scheduled to meet the Minister of
Finance and Local Government to shed light on the issues. Please be accordingly
Thank you Madam Speaker. I take
note, but the prayer with regards to the loan was not on the table.
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