Friday, 11 March 2022


HEADLANDS commercial farmer, Craig Coleman, who in 2020 was involved in a shooting incident with Vengere High School headmaster, Mr Andrew Mvere, has been arraigned before the courts facing malicious damage to property and assault charges.

Coleman allegedly committed the offence when he was accusing Mr Mvere and two other people of poaching game on his farm.

Mr Mvere was cleared of any wrong doing by the courts and in turn he reported Coleman to the police for damaging his car after shooting it.

Coleman of Mezzi Estate is represented by Mr Leonard Chigadza of Chigadza and Associates and pleaded not guilty to both charges when he appeared before Rusape magistrate, Ms Rutendo Machingura recently.

Ms Machingura was expected to give a ruling yesterday (Thursday) following an application of discharge at the close of the State case by Mr Chigadza.

Prosecutor, Mr Tawanda Karikoga said Mr Mvere was driving an open truck through Mezzi Estate with two passengers seated in the loading box when Coleman fired shots at them, hitting the car’s back.

“During the night of September 8, 2020, Mr Mvere was driving his Toyota Hilux pick-up along a gravel road which passes through Mezzi Estate while in the company of Mr Million Samahumba and Mr Samuel Chimbo who were seated in the vehicle’s loading box.

“Coleman came from behind with his vehicle in high speed and shot Mr Mvere’s vehicle with a gun. Mr Mvere stopped and discovered that his vehicle has been damaged on the back with bullet holes. Mr Mvere’s vehicle was inspected by three panel beating companies,” said Mr Karikoga.

Mr Karikoga further said Coleman hit Mr Mvere using the butt of his gun and he sustained some injuries.

“On the day in question, Coleman ordered Mr Mvere to disembark from his vehicle and he complied. The accused person hit Mr Mvere once on the head with the butt of his gun. Mr Mvere sustained some injuries as a result of the assault. He was medically examined at Rusape General Hospital,” said Mr Karikoga. Manica Post


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