Thursday, 12 August 2021


THERE was drama on Heroes Day along Leopold Takawira when a married man clashed with a sex worker over a burst condom.

Stanley Mutema’s neighbours at The Shelter Court where he resides witnessed the free drama when sex worker Elizabeth Mutetwa dragged him demanding money. Mutema had to convince Mutetwa to go to a nearby bar along Fife Avenue to resolve their issues.

Mutetwa claimed to have met medical expenses amounting to US$43 following the bursting of a condom during her sex session with Mutema sometime in July this year.

Mutema said he paid for the services rendered but the latter was now extorting him whenever she has no money.  “I hooked up with this lady during the night and took her to my apartment like any other man to satisfy myself,” said Mutema.

“We realised during the discussion that we both come from the same rural area but I paid for the services rendered. It is true that the condom burst during the sex session. I have not yet consulted my doctor following the incident.

“She demanded money for treatment and I gave her US$10 on that day and she later came asking for more claiming that she had paid US$43.

“I gave her another US$20 and she took one of my blankets to her flat and returned it the following day and I gave her the balance but she came today demanding a total of US$43.

“To me this lady is extorting me taking advantage that she knows where I stay and that I am married.

“One of my friends wanted to give her US$20 but I stopped him because she would visit me every time she fails to get money.

“She made noise at the flat drawing people’s attention,” said Mutema. Mutetwa told H-Metro that Mutema was paying up for sex session and that of medical treatment. Akanditora ndikamuitira zvaasina kuwana kumudzimai wake nekuti anogara Bulawayo,” said Mutetwa.

“I have been into sex work for more than 20 years now and being mindful of my health but Mutema put my health at risk following the condom burst.

“My children survive from my busy body so Mutema must not play hide and seek with me when he knows the exact amount he paid me. He has to pay for the sex session together with medical expenses I paid.

“He blocked my contact number that is why I made noise at his apartment because he has been avoiding me.

“If he fails to pay me today I will take the issue to police because he risked my life. He must not try to be clever by claiming extortion; he wanted to take me as his mistress because we come from the same village.

“Zvekumusha izvo ndezvekumusha; kuno kuHarare tinoita zvebasa saka ngaandipe mari yangu,” said Mutetwa. H Metro






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