Sunday 27 June 2021


AN unidentified couple caused a stir yesterday after hosting a lavish wedding in Bulawayo despite a ban on public gatherings following a spike in Covid-19 cases.

The wedding, which had as many as 69 attendees according to the wedding’s register, saw some guests mingle without masks, with those that bothered to wear them mostly pulling them beneath their mouths for easier breathing.

The country recently banned all gatherings, except funerals, which are expected to have a maximum number of 30 people and can only be held with the supervision of health personnel.

When Sunday News got to the scene of the wedding, a group of guests waylaid the publication’s crew. As the event was winding down, they escorted the Sunday News crew out before they could ascertain any further details.

However, a guest said the event was “just a family meeting and luncheon and elders wanted to meet the couple that wedded in court last week, and it was not a wedding,” adding that “Covid-19 protocols were followed”. Sunday News


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