Friday, 21 May 2021


20-year-old model Yolanda Chirenje has torched a showbiz storm by posing nude much the same way Vimbai Zimuto did. H-Metro’s Latwell Nyangu (LN) spoke to her on why she is into such art and how she deals with the backlash. Read on . . .

 LN: You have caught showbiz by storm with nude art, tell us more about it?

YC: Well, I realised “unchartered territory” and I seized it. This form of art is looked down upon but my daring side wished to take it on regardless.

 LN: How is the response, since the day you took it up?

YC: A lot of backlash than support which I do understand though, we are from that culture.

LN: And your response to the backlash, do you think you can still pursue it?

YC: Of course I can still pursue, my response to the backlash is to keep doing what I enjoy doing the most.

LN: What specifically does this nude art entail? What meaning does it give?

YC: It is called Boudoir photography. It is a photographic style featuring intimate, sensual, romantic, and sometimes erotic images of its subjects in a photographic studio, bedroom or private dressing room environment.

LN: So if you were to be asked, why do you do this art, what would tell the world and convince them it’s worth pursuing?

YC: Well I do not suppose I have to convince anyone but my reasons for it I have already outlined previously, respectfully.

LN: And what about family, what’s their take?

YC: They have had to embrace me as I am.

 LN: But what have they said to you?

YC: What every parent would say.

 LN: And have you not faced different men pestering you over this art?

YC: Even when I am fully dressed I have men pestering me.

LN: Are you not provoking men?

YC: Provoking them to do what? But I also have principles… I also have do’s and don’ts.

LN: Some enjoy such art, are they not always after you?

YC: Men want anything that has a vagina and respectfully, I am not responsible for their lack of control.

LN: And what inspired you to venture into such art?

YC: Natural passion and desire I guess.

 LN: Were you not inspired by Vimbai Zimuto?

YC: I appreciate her art, yes.

LN: So who is Yolanda and when did you start modelling?

YC: Yolanda is a Fashion and boudoir model and also a singer. I started doing modelling in 2019.

I am also a video vixen. Well in terms of music I haven’t really gotten much exposure compared to modelling but I have a couple of tracks out on YouTube.

I have featured on Terry Afrika ft Freeman song “Why”, Jah Master’s “America”, R. Peels “Ndochi”, Jason Abi’s “Angelina”, Gunflow Alexander Bobby, “Bikita” by Phatso and Cayge among others.

LN: All the best Yolanda.

YC: Thanks for interviewing me.


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