Tuesday, 18 May 2021


Zanu PF is embarking on restructuring exercises across the provinces to quantify the party’s support base ahead of the 2023 general elections.

The party’s Secretary for Administration Dr Obert Mpofu said they have to go a thorough and rigorous process of membership head counting.

“Following the successful conducting of District Coordinating Committee (DCC) elections countrywide, the logical procedure was to restructure the DCCs,” he said.

“This is an exercise aimed at quantifying our support base. As part of reaffirming our legitimacy as a party, we have to go through such a rigorous process of membership head counting. Beyond the statistical logic of this process, the DCC restructuring is an opportunity to strategically reorganise ourselves in preparing for our 2023 election victory.”

The exercise is being led by the party leadership in various provinces across the country to ensure there is proper structures at lower level up to the provincial level.

The cell restructuring exercise is meant to ensure all party members regardless of position, they are registered in their respective cells.

The ruling party’s Harare provincial political commissar Cde Kudakwashe Damson said the province started the cell restructuring exercise on May 10 last week.

“We are expecting to complete the exercise on June 6,” he said. “We want to ensure that those who are holding high offices are registered in their cells. Those who have defected from opposition parties are also registered in their respective zones.”

Zanu PF Harare provincial Youth Affairs chairman Cde Emmanuel Mahachi challenged the youth to take part in the restructuring exercise. All those youths who are joining the party should now be registered in the cell restructuring exercise,” he said.

“We cannot have youth who claim to be our members yet they are not in the party structures.” Herald


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