Friday, 7 May 2021


One of the most significant young innovator and inventor in Zimbabwe Maxwell Sangulani Chikumbutso, best known for developing a green power generator which can produce electricity using radio frequency, is in a hospital intensive care unit after falling ill from suspected poisoning that his company believe is linked to his wireless energy transmission innovation activity.

This is the third attempt on the life of Chikumbutso, the first Zimbabwean to design and make a hybrid engine – powered helicopter, an electric car, a magnetic converter, a green power generator and a drone through his company – Saith Technologies.

“Let’s pray for Mr. Maxwell Sangulani Chikumbutso who is fighting to regain his health after being poisoned,” read a company statement on Facebook.

“The battle that we are involved in is real but we relentlessly keep on fighting. There is information out there were never sent out or shared but there some horrible people who are always working trying to destroy us.

We have received threats that range from death, financial and personal ruin through emails, Facebook Messenger and other social media platforms.”

A number of free energy access scientists have been killed or poisoned across the world in schemes widely believed to be led by the oil and solar technology energy industry mafia which wants to continue dominating the lucrative deals and business in their industries.

Sources say early this year another top South Korean free energy access scientist and inventor was murdered under unclear circumstances by the mafia in the oil and renewable energy underworld.

“Our detractors would even want us dead. Such as their rabid opposition to the technology that we have brought to world as well as the life changing prospect of “Free Energy,” Saith Technologies said in a statement.

The gifted innovator and Form 2 drop-out from Harare who also designed and built an electric-powered vehicle and hybrid helicopter has made ground-breaking moves to enter the highly competitive aviation and hi-tech global entrepreneurial ecosystem.

He has clinched huge deals for his products in various parts of the world through the development of hybrid engine-powered helicopter, electric cars, magnetic converters, green power generators and drones.

Chikumbutso also developed an automated disinfecting machine to help fight the coronavirus pandemic.

He is dreaming big and wants to build Saith Technologies into a billion-dollar concern that distributes electric cars, helicopters, telecoms solutions, security and surveillance, UAVs, traffic safety and lightning products as well as MSED Powered home lights using wireless energy transmission. Herald


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