Monday, 19 April 2021


Teachers going on strike or conducting extra lessons will be fired or at the very least face suspension of pay after activation of systems to track the malpractices.

President Mnangagwa is on record that the Government will not be held to ransom by striking teachers, saying they will invoke the principle that only those who work will get paid.

It is standard labour practice around the world that striking workers are not paid, even when their strike is considered legal. Those whose strike is legal cannot be fired for not attending work, but are still not paid while away.

Primary and Secondary Education Minister Ambassador Cain Mathema said the ministry was now invoking the principle of paying only those teachers reporting for duty. “We are summoning the principle of no work no salary with immediate effect,” he said.

“Teachers who do not report for duty or those who go to their schools and not do their work will not be paid.

“We have requested school heads to compile lists of such names and we will forward them to the Public Service Commission so that those not doing their work will not be paid.”  

Government is engaging the public service through the National Joint Negotiating Council (NJNC) to address teachers’ remuneration concerns.

Authorities representing Government in the talks are on record that success has been registered in Government and its workers’ engagements over salaries and other employment terms.

“We know they have their concerns about remuneration,” said Ambassador Mathema They have raised their concerns and that is being addressed through the proper channels.”

Ambassador Mathema warned teachers doing private extra lessons for a premium that they were not allowed to do so.  “Government is also warning teachers who are doing private lessons,” said Ambassador Mathema.

“There is a trend that some teachers are no longer doing their jobs at schools, but doing private lessons instead. That is not allowed and the Government is following up on these unlawful acts.” Herald


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