Wednesday, 23 December 2020


Twenty-four of the 100 heifers donated to Buhera villagers four months ago by Vice President Constantine Chiwenga under the Heifer Pass on Scheme to replenish thousands of herds of cattle lost to bovine theileriosis (tick disease) have since died, The Mirror has been told.

The heifers which were intended for villagers but looted by senior Zanu PF officials in the district died due to the drought, lack of supplements and proper care, sources have said.

The incessant rains in the last few weeks have also brought in a new challenge.

Buhera District veterinary officer, Doctor Samson Chiduku said his office is incapacitated to monitor the project and he therefore does not have information on the heifers.

“We donĂ­t have fuel to monitor the heifers. We therefore have not visited the farmers and do not have information on what is happening,” said Chiduku.

Efforts to get a comment from Buhera Zanu PF chairman Saul Nzuma were futile. Sources said apart from the supplements, the heifers were also badly affected by the incessant rains that pounded the country over the last few weeks.

Some farmers are selling away the heifers for US$100 when they become too weak to walk while others are slaughtering them for meat.

Farmers who received the heifers are supposed to keep them and pass them on when they have new calves and the pass on programme has therefore been severely incapacitated by the 24 deaths.

 The scheme becomes one of the many badly managed Government projects which end up just being merry go round.

The heifers were distributed among Zanu PF hierarchy which included Nzuma, councillors, chiefs, headmen and their relatives. Masvingo Mirror


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