TWO students from Bulawayo Polytechnic have designed a
one-way digital application meant to make electronic transactions easier and
Mr Shelton Mudenda (27) and Mr Terrence Moyo (22) who are
studying Telecommunications Engineering said the application, named Pay Code,
has been tested in paying church offerings and proven to be effective.
Mr Mudenda said the application does not need Internet
connection, but the user has to be connected to a mobile telephone network.
“This application is simple and faster than what is on the
market already. We have put it to test at church when people are making
offerings and it works pretty well. We can actually tailor make it for a
specific client, for example we made the application for Bulawayo International
Church of Christ.
“It’s an application for a specific client or company which
is just like any other applications on the android phone. When one opens the
application for that particular client it takes them straight to that client’s
page. There is a button that takes you to the next step where you get to select
the category in which you want to make the payment for example the church app
that we made has four categories: offering, tithe, building fund and others
therefore you select the category that you want. It then takes you to the next
step where you then enter the amount and password and then you are done,” said
Mr Mudenda.
He said the idea came after the two thought of coming up
with a quicker way to do electronic payments as the methods on the market were
resulting in delays.
“We then came up with an application that makes the process
less demanding and a lot faster,” said Mudenda.
He added that they were yet to register the application and
were willing to partner corporates to put their invention into practice.
“Since we are into telecommunications, we like to see
things working fast. But the application has to go through some processes
because the industry is sensitive and we are also taking our time seeking
credible partners because we fear if we just approach anyone, our idea might be
stolen,” he said. Sunday News
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