Popular wheel-spinner, Dj Stavo born Steven Sanders, has
been dragged to court to answer to an interpleader application after the
Sherriff attached property worth US$30 245 belonging to an allegedly wrong
According to the application, the disc jockey obtained a
writ of execution on January 29 against Maeka Jewellery Company before
instructing the Sherriff to attach the firm’s movable property.
Allegations are that instead of seizing the jewellery
company’s property, the Sherriff on September 25 allegedly discharged its
duties on Isis Network (PVT) Limited who had moved into the same premises that
housed the former.
Now, Isis Network is claiming back all the property
including eight boardroom chairs, two office chairs, two office desks, two
leather chairs, four piece leather sofa and a double door and Samsung fridge
among others.
“The said goods do not belong to the judgment debtor (Maeka
Jewellery Company) but to myself.
“I bought the goods through an auction from Capital
Auctioneers. I confirm that Isis Network (Pvt) Ltd is not related or colluding
with the judgment debtor (Maeka Jewellery),” wrote Isis Network boss, Thomas
Matatari added; “I am a tenant at number 145 Borrowdale Road, Gunhill,
Harare through a lease agreement that I entered into between claimant and
Realty Genius real estate agents.
“The Claimant is just a tenant at the premises that were
occupied by the judgment debtor and we just discovered that the judgment
creditor just directed the Sherriff of High Court to come and attach goods at
our premises simply because the same premises were once occupied by the
judgment debtor.”
The Sherriff also said he had only discharged his duties
and had no interest in the subject matter in dispute.
“I do not collude with either party. I am willing to deal
or act in regard to the subject matter of the dispute as the Honorable Court
may direct.
“The Claimant (Isis Network) is claiming all the property
which appears on the Notice of Seizure and Attachments,” said the Sherriff.
According to the application, the Sherriff wants the Isis
Network’s claim to all property placed under attachment to be granted.
The matter is pending decision by the court. H Metro
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