Sibongile Nomsa Mugandani, 25, threatened to hang herself
before she downed rat poison when she was caught between the sheets with a
suspected land baron Lovemore Mangwende, 35.
Mugandani’s husband Ronald Shiri, a member of the army
based in Gweru, was tipped about his wife’s shenanigans by Mangwende villagers
and arrived soon after midnight hoping to catch the two. He broke the door to
gain entry and caught the two between the sheets.
A fight is reported to have ensued with the two destroying
window panes and other properties in the hullabaloo. A pair of scissors, two
screw drivers and a bullet were left in the bedroom.
Mangwende was brutally attacked and his Mazda 3 car (Reg
ADM 0272)’s tyres were deflated and screen shattered.
Mungandani’s sister, only identified as Samantha, told
H-Metro that Mugandani was saved from hanging herself in their matrimonial
bedroom where she was caught defiling the bed and later downed rat poison.
“My sister was attacked by her husband after she was caught
accommodating Mangwende in the bedroom,” said Samantha.
“The two have been at logger heads over an alleged
miscarriage. Sisi vangu vaipomerwa mhosva yekubvisa pamuviri nehama dzemurume
“She was saved from taking her life and the rope was left
hanging on the beam but she downed rat poison. She was rushed to Chitungwiza Hospital but I heard that
she is recovering,” said Samantha.
H-Metro visited Mugandani in Ward 2 where she was admitted
and confirmed the incident.
“I cannot say much at the moment but what I can confirm is
that parwiwa zvakaipa nguva dikidiki zvekuti handinyatsoziva zvanyatsoitika
panguva iyoyo,” said Mugandani.
Mugandani was also reported to have been assaulted by two
illegal money changers two weeks ago after they discovered that she was milking
them their cash.
“I do not know the state of Mangwende at the moment but a
fight ensued during the early hours when my husband came home,” said Mugandani
adding that she was better following the medication she received.
Contacted for comment, Mangwende said Shiri threatened to
set the house on fire and was still to receive treatment.
“Shiri severely attacked me and wanted to set the house on
fire. Ndakanzwa avakuti sekuru huyai nemoto,” said Mangwende.
He went on to deflate all my vehicle tyres and I lodged a
police report against him at both Dema and Chitungwiza police stations.
“I could not receive treatment after visiting hospital only
to be told that doctors are on strike,” said Mangwende. H Metro
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