Addressing journalists outside the correctional facility
yesterday, MDC leader Nelson Chamisa said the activists, Last Maengahama and
Tungamirai Madzokere, told him tales of horror in the prison.
“I have seen the prisoners of conscience, political prisoners.
They are in good health. They are in high spirits. They are optimistic. They
know that they are innocent, of course,” he said.
“We acknowledge that they still have an appeal process that
has to be heard and we are going to expedite that the matter be heard. They
told me that there are about 2 600 inmates. They are getting almost 10 000
litres of water per day. So, every inmate gets about four litres for drinking,
bathing and washing clothes. So, it’s quite a dicey situation for all the
inmates. They also told me, that there is a huge crack to the prison building,
so their safety is compromised.”
Prison cells that are supposed to hold up to 12 prisoners
are now home to 45 inmates, while power outages also blight the complex,
leaving inmates drowning in darkness most of the time.
Chamisa said his party would continue to stalk the
corridors of justice in an effort to get the two activists released, saying
their conviction was political.
The two have, according to Chamisa, lodged an appeal
against both conviction and sentence, but there have been delays by the courts
to hear the appeals.
Chamisa had to wait for hours outside the prison gates
before he was finally cleared to visit the MDC activists as prison officers at
the main gate made call after call, seeking the nod from their superiors to
allow him passage.
The MDC leader slammed the slow process to clear him,
saying it was the height of “dictatorship and tyranny”.
“The unfortunate thing is I have had to come here and spend
almost three hours waiting for a clearance. I understand that they were
indicating that I had to get clearance,” he said.
“So, they had to inform their head office. It is
undesirable and very unfortunate. I am a lawyer and I have rights as a lawyer
to visit any client which I wish to visit. I am also a leader of a political
party, a legitimate political party.
“So if I wish to visit any person I should also be allowed.
I am not asking for any privilege. I am not asking for any special treatment. I
am only asking for ordinary treatment to be able to have access. Now, when you
have dictatorship around entry into a prison gate, there is no better
dramatisation of undesirable circumstances of tyranny.”
Chamisa was later allowed to enter the prison complex with
only his driver, while his security and aides were blocked.
The late Morgan Tsvangirai, before his death under the
government of ousted former President Robert Mugabe, was barred twice as he
made an effort to visit the MDC activists. Newsday
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