Monday, 17 June 2019


Former minister Saviour Kasukuwere who is holed up in South Africa has failed to halt the auctioning of his mansion in Nyanga.

Kasukuwere had filed an urgent chamber application seeking to bar the State from placing his property under the hammer.

High Court Judge, Justice Edith Mushore dismissed the application saying Kasukuwere was fullyaware of the consequences of defaulting.

"Applicant must be disabused from the notion that he is exempted from the consequences of his nonattendance at a court appointed the date and time. His expectation to be given special treatment was entirely presumptuous.," Justice Mushore adding that Kasukuwere deliberately chose not to attend court.

"It cannot be put any other way. Further there is cause to view his as being a fugitive from justice because of the warrant for his arrest still being existent. Applicant has thus failed to honour his commitment to the conditions for his liberty.

"The applicant is dictating his own terms as to when he feels he is likely to return to Zimbabwe to present himself to the court. He is doing that to his peril.”


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