Monday, 27 May 2019


Following a comprehensive Political Report of the Party and Thematic Reports followed by robust debates by delegates during plenary, Congress made the following Resolutions –


1. Congress takes note of the multiple crises affecting and arresting Zimbabwe which includes crisis of legitimacy, of governance, of lack of confidence, economy disequilibrium, breakdown of the rule of law, corruption and massive closure of political space.

Congress therefore resolves that the Party must urgently implement measures to address and resolve the national crises. Which measures include the following -

(a) the transformation, strengthening, modernisation, renewal, capacitation, rejuvenation and reinvigoration of The Party.

(b) defending and protecting the people of Zimbabwe and the constitution though proactive informed processes of engagement that include advocacy and mobilisation, including the exercise of the people’s constitutional right to petition and protest as protected by s59 of the Constitution.

(c) providing solid and effective leadership in the zones controlled by the party including parliament, local authority, including deepening and sharpening the Party’s relations with the trade union movement, the church, the student movement and the rest of civic society.

(d) providing leadership and alternative programmes, ideas and solutions to the national crisis through deep and informed policy positions, particularly on issues of governance, the rule of law, constitutionalism and the economy.

(e) implementation and pursuit of the reform agenda particularly on areas that fundamentally affect the national question, including areas of –

I. electoral reform
II. political and institutional reform
III. constitutional and legal reforms
IIII. security sector realignment
V. corruption
VI. devolution
VII. poverty and social safety nets
VIII. the economy
(f) the pursuit of genuine inclusive national dialogue to actualise the reform agenda though an inclusive framework or transitional mechanism.

Resolution of Legitimacy and the National Question

2. Concerned by the absence of a national consensus and broad-based inclusive reforms resulting in cosmetic, false and pretentious reforms. Congress therefore, calls for the restoration of trust, confidence and legitimacy in order to create an environment for growth, stability, productivity on the back of domestic and foreign capital flows. Congress reiterated its position, that in the face of continued intransigence by ZANU-PF, the people of Zimbabwe have a constitutional right to protest.

3. Congress further calls for an all stakeholders and all people’s Convention to locate exit points to the crisis currently bedevilling our country.

4. In order to resolve the national crisis, Congress mandated the party to engage in a national dialogue to reach a political settlement through a transitional mechanism.

Any such dialogue must be credible and bankable, anchored on five key pillars which are:
a) Return to Legitimacy and normalcy
b) A Comprehensive reform agenda
c) Nation building and peace building
d) An end to international Isolation
e) Resolving the economic and humanitarian situation

5. Congress mandates the Party to formulate and launch a roadmap to legitimacy and dialogue framework to guide the Party in any dialogue for the purposes of resolving the national crisis.

The National Economy
6. Through disastrous policies anchored on patronage and regime survival agendas, the ZANU PF administration has collapsed the economy which finds itself in a deep recession characterized by high unemployment, zero productivity, hyperinflation, an unsustainable debt, collapsed social services, terrible monetary policy and loss of value of working peoples salaries and pensions.

Congress therefore mandates the party to take action through dialogue and other constitutional means of ensuring that there is deep structural Reforms in the economy including -

(i) macro-economic stability and fiscal consolidation
(ii) a stable monetary policy including a return to the multi-currency regime and the demonetization of the RTGS dollar and its cousin, the bond note.
(iii) ensuring full employment and the preservation of the value of wages and pensions
(iv) a resolution of the country’s sovereign debt crisis through methods that do not ensure the country’s further indebtedness and the continued accumulation of unsustainable and odious debt.
(v) addressing poverty, social services and the creation of social safety nets.
(vi) the pursuit of a rigorous programme of the rural areas.
(vii) the pursuit of gross capital formation and infrastructural transformation focusing on roads, energy, dam and ICTs. 

National Institutions
7. Congress recognises that the constitutional role of national and state institutions including our national security institutions in defending our territorial integrity and sovereignty is of utmost importance and that their professionalism and neutrality in the election of political leadership is important in the development of constitutional democracy and economy.

Rule of law and Independence of the Judiciary
8. Congress reiterates the party’s position to uphold the rule of law and to continue respecting the independence of judiciary.

The Labour Agenda
9. Congress resolved to establish a Labour Caucus as a platform to engage workers and address labour related matters. Congress further resolved to institute a labour quota at all levels in the Party structure.

Court Judgement
10. Congress noted a High Court Judgement ordering the Party to hold an Extra-Ordinary Congress and resolved that the necessity and requirements of such Extra-Ordinary Congress have been fully addressed by this Congress.

Party in Government
11. Congress noted that the Party has developed a comprehensive policy blueprint called SMART and therefore resolves to stand by these policy positions and continue to review them in line with changing circumstances. Further that the Party must continue to develop policy positions in line with the objectives of the Party.

12. The Party will formulate and launch a New Zimbabwe Blueprint to guide a conversation and discourse on our vision for a new Zimbabwe.

13. The Party will develop a comprehensive legislative agenda to inform reforms and oversight by Parliament.

14. The Party shall develop a SMART agenda to inform the Local Government work-plans in the various zones of autonomy where the Party has been given a mandate by the people of Zimbabwe.

The National Democratic Project
15. Congress noted that the Party is the legitimate vehicle of the ideals of the liberation struggle. As such, the Party will lead the nation in a national agenda of nation building through building a consensus by all Zimbabweans for Zimbabwe.

16. Congress mandates the Party to honour and salute all the liberation war heroes and the nation’s forebears for their contribution to the attainment of our independence.

Diplomacy and International Relations
17. Congress mandates the Party to build a global solidarity network and diplomatic offensive for pressure to resolve the crisis in Zimbabwe. There must be African solutions to African problems upon the support of the international community. 

18. Congress directs the Party to build African and global solidarity for the advancement of the African people’s struggles and aspirations. Further, to advance the struggles of all the downtrodden and oppressed people of the world.

19. Congress mandates the Party to work with all progressive peoples, nations and governments that defend and advance good governance, rule of law and democracy, worldwide


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