Friday, 17 May 2019


An MDC member of the security department has been jailed for 60 days or $300 fine after being found guilty of using electric shock to control members at an internal party election held at Dulibadzimu on March 31, 2013.

Using electric shock for torture is regarded as inhuman by human rights organisations throughout the world and Governments have been put to task for using this as a torture method.

The African Charter on Human and People’s Rights together with the Rome Statute and many other international conventions prohibits any form of torture, inhumane and degrading treatment. It is one of the most serious crimes at international law which has attained what is called a jus cogens norm at international law which no one or state can derogate from.

The use of electric shocks however, seems to be rampant in the MDC Alliance with Masvingo provincial administrator Peter Chigaba also appearing in court facing the same 

A number of insiders who spoke to The Mirror said electric shocks have been used in the MDC.

Khumbulani Mikiseni (34) appeared before Beitbridge Magistrate Marygold Ndlovu on Tuesday facing assault charges after he used an electric shocker on three times on district elections director Mafios Macheka’s chest.

It is the State case that on March 31 2019 at 2pm at Dulibadzimu Stadium, both accused person and the complainant were attending an MDC District Assembly meeting (congress) and the complainant intended to approach the presiding officer at the venue but the accused blocked him and held his collar.

Mikiseni then shocked the complainant using an electric shocker thrice on the chest.
Macheka did not sustain visible injury and was referred for medical examination.
Oswell Arufandi prosecuted. Masvingo Mirror


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