Tuesday, 19 February 2019


A BOLT of lightning struck dead three Mvurwi tobacco farmers over the weekend who were working in the grading shed at Muswite Farm.

The trio, Tonderai Mungate (21) Onward Gede (16) and Jameson (22), all from plot number 74 at Muswite Farm, were burnt to death in a grass-thatched tobacco grading shed on Sunday.

Mashonaland Central police spokesperson Inspector Milton Mundembe confirmed the incident. “I can confirm the death of three tobacco farmers who were struck by a bolt of lightning and died while grading tobacco in a thatched shed on Sunday,” he said.

According to John Gede (44), the trio were working inside the grading shed while he was working outside and a bolt of lightning struck, thereby killing the trio on spot.
“We were working together at the plot when tragedy struck. The three were operating from inside, while I was operating from outside. Suddenly a thunderstorm came and I sought shelter. After a few minutes, I saw the shed on fire. I screamed for help, but unfortunately, the three had been struck dead,” he sobbed.

In a related case, a 23-year-old Mt Darwin man was struck and killed by lightning yesterday while also hanging tobacco leaves in a grading shed.

Malven Ben (23), of Manuwere village under Chief Kandeya, was grading tobacco with his brother Allan Ben (22) in Mt Darwin when tragedy struck.
He was pronounced dead upon admission at Mt Darwin Hospital. Newsday


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