Our country has been undergoing an extremely difficult
period since the disputed and illegitimate election of 2013.
Unemployment, poverty, corruption and cash shortages have
become commonplace. At the centre of this crisis, is a crisis of governance and
leadership. It is a crisis of legitimacy surrounding the Presidential and
general election in Zimbabwe. People demand and
deserve change.
Over the years, Mr. Mugabe has presided over violent and
rigged elections. Unfortunately, regional bodies have tolerated this for far
too long. Mr Mugabe manipulates the voters roll, ballot papers and intimidates
citizens mostly in the rural areas through unconstitutional means.
After four hours of deliberations, we took the following
Noting that the endgame, the destination point to the
resolution of the crisis in Zimbabwe is a total return to legitimacy and fully
civilian rule through a credible, free and fair election under a truly
independent and international supervision,
Acknowledging that national solutions to national problems
are best sculptured by the people of Zimbabwe with the solidarity of the
international community,
Further acknowledging and saluting the role played by the
war veterans in the liberation struggle and recognizing that all we seek as the
MDC is to complete the unfinished business of that sacred liberation war waged
in our land,
Appreciating the assurances and the commitment to peace and
the sanctity of human life by the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, including respect
for citizens’ fundamental rights,
Fully conscious of the suffering of the people of Zimbabwe
and in particular the concerns of the citizens including traditional leaders,
the war veterans, liberation war collaborators, the church, civil servants,
people living with disabilities, youth, women groups and the generality of
ordinary Zimbabweans,
Aware of the concerns of the international community in
particular SADC, the AU, the UN, the EU regarding the deteriorating Zimbabwean
The party leadership restated the party’s values,
especially its commitment to democracy and the need for a legitimate government
that can immediately begin to transact the business of the nation.
The party leadership resolved and agreed on the urgent need
for a roadmap to return to legitimacy that includes the following critical
1.That in the interest of the people, Mr. Robert Mugabe
must resign and step down immediately in line with the national expectation and
sentiment, taking full regard of his legacy and contribution to Zimbabwe pre
and post-independence.
2.That there be a negotiated, all-inclusive transitional
3.That the purpose, essence, nature and character of that
mechanism be agreed upon by all national stakeholders,
4.That there be comprehensive reforms for a free, fair and
credible election to be held upon the full implementation of all reforms,
5.That there be an agreed post-election framework to
guarantee stability, peace and national prosperity,
6.That SADC, the African Union, the UN and the broader
international community be the underwriters and guarantors to the roadmap to
free and fair elections.
In full recognition of the ideals of our liberation war
anchored upon respect for rights, dignity and one-man-one-vote, we respect the
right of every citizen to vote freely and fairly in electing a leadership of
their choice. For this reason, the party urges all Zimbabweans above the age of
18 to register and participate in the crucial on-going voter registration
exercise. This is the only assurance to an irreversible path to national
freedom, happiness and economic prosperity.
To our neighbours, you now all know the simple choice you
face; either support our rights or our refugees.
I thank You
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