The Zimbabwe National Liberation War veterans Association (ZNLWA) yesterday reiterated the call for the ouster of Zanu-PF national political commissar Cde Saviour Kasukuwere saying that there was nothing special to guarantee him protection from the no confidence vote passed on him by provinces.
Nine of Zanu-PF’s 10 provinces passed a vote of no confidence on Cde Kasukuwere on allegations that included creating parallel structures in an attempt to allegedly topple President Mugabe from power.
A team led by Advocate Jacob Mudenda was then appointed to investigate the matter and presented its findings to Politburo. The matter was left to the Presidium to decide on Cde Kasukuwere’s fate.
War vets, he said, were fed up with double standards in Zanu-PF. “It won’t happen again. We are drawing the line in the sand. We will not tolerate any putschist tendencies coming from G40,” he said.
Mr Mutsvangwa accused the G40 group of wanting to dismiss everyone from the party.
“They fire everybody from the party. They proceed to fire elected young men from the youth organisation. They proceed to fire elected chairmen of all provinces of the party. They are now even threatening to fire even the VP of a country. They are threatening to say we want to change the army. Who are you G40 to do all these things? We are the ones who built the State structure and we know the pain of building it. We built the defence and security structure of this country. Nobody dares think he can change it without going back to the people whom we fought for.” Heraald
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