President Robert Mugabe has arrived in South Africa
for the 37th SADC Summit. His wife, Grace is facing assault charges and has pleaded diplomatic immunity.
The President was received on arrival at Watercloof Airbase
by South African ICTs Minister, Siyabonga Cwele, Zimbabwean Ambassador to South
Africa, Cde Isaac Moyo, Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi and
Industry and Commerce Minister, Dr Mike Bimha who travelled ahead of him to
take part in the council of ministers which ended this Wednesday (today)
A military guard was also at hand to welcome President
Mugabe. He was immediately whisked away to Pretoria where the
summit is taking place.
The summit will be preceded by a summit of the SADC Troika
comprising current chair King Mswati the 3rd, immediate past chairman, Seretse
Ian Khama and incoming chair Cde Jacob Zuma.
The 37th SADC Summit here in Pretoria will see Angolan
president, Eduardo Dos Santos and Seretse Ian Khama present their farewell
speeches as their terms are due to end this year.
The summit is being held under the theme, “Partnering with
the Private Sector in Developing Industry and Regional Value-Chains”.
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