Wednesday, 17 July 2024


Car dealer Matthew Musengezi has been acquitted of culpable homicide by a Harare magistrate. But he was arrested by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission a day later.

Musengezi who had spent about three weeks in remand prison, was acquitted on the culpable homicide charge but was found guilty on a lesser charge of failing to stop after an accident.

The businessman was fined US$150 and banned from driving for 30 days. H Metro said it was not clear why ZACC arrested him.

Musengezi was involved in an accident which left a man dead along Samora Machel Avenue in Harare. In his defence, Musengezi told the court that the other car swerved into his lane, presumably as a last-gap measure to avoid collision with rubble which was on the street and, without due care, subtly clipped the rear right end part of his vehicle.

The magistrate agreed with his version of events and said the other driver might have been drunk because his evidence was marred with too many inconsistencies.


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