Monday, 13 February 2023


A Harare man who is having marital disputes with his wife told the court that their problems were being caused by a pastor from the church where her wife fellowships.

The matter came to light at the Harare Civil Court, during cross-examination when Magistrate Ms Tamara Chibindi asked Danger Wisikesi why he was assaulting his wife, Ruth Jack.

Jack had applied for a peace order against her husband whom she accused of assaulting and accusing her of being promiscuous.

“On December 6 last year, my husband assaulted me because he thought that I was dating a man from our church. Up to now, there is no peace at the house over that matter. I am praying that you grant me a peace order,” she said.

However, Wisikesi denied the allegations arguing that he never assaulted her but was angry as his wife was having an affair with a pastor from her church which is called Simbarashe Apostolic Church.

“On the day in question, I never assaulted her except to push her after I got angry when she asked me why I was accusing her of dating the pastor.

“This is after I had asked her where she was coming from after 10pm without even preparing any meal for the family,” he said.

He said Jack told him that she had walked out the pastor who had visited her at that hour.

He complained that the pastor was always at his house alone with his wife during the day when he was at work.

Wisikesi said ever since his wife became the personal assistant of the pastor, she no longer communicated with him during the day over the phone as before.

“She no longer chats with me during the day and goes on trips with the pastor. This has really affected me emotionally and has affected my performance at work.”

When asked about the affair, Jack said she was not in love with the pastor.

“Yes, I get along with the pastor but we are not having an affair. He only comes to pick me up so that we can go to the mountain for prayers together,” she said.

Magistrate Ms Chibindi advised Jack to stop allowing the pastor from visiting her at home but meet at church only, if it is really church business to avoid problems in her marriage.

She dismissed her application for lack of merit. Herald


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