President Emmerson Mnangangwa has promoted 259 prison officers to various ranks in the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services (ZPCS).
Senior Assistant Commissioner Ernest Pambayi was promoted to the rank of Commissioner, 13 Assistant Commissioners were elevated to the rank of Senior Assistant Commissioner and 21 Chief Superintendents were promoted to the rank of Assistant Commissioners.
Addressing the promoted officers at the conferment of badges of rank in Harare yesterday, Commissioner-General of Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services Retired Major-General Paradzai Zimondi urged the prison officers to continue to be vigilant, well-focused and resolute as well as to shun all forms of misbehaviour.
“Law and order in the society and reliable protection of our citizens’ rights and security are essential conditions for our country’s stable development. In this regard ZPCS plays a critical part in ensuring these conditions.
“Let us properly play our part so that we achieve the desired goals paying particular attention to the need to combat all acts of misbehaviour. Let us all work actively to combat corruption in all its forms which include bribery, unfair competition, conflicts of interest, fraud, embezzlement, unlawful kickbacks, nepotism and cronyism, among other forms,” he said.
Rtd-Gen Zimondi also urged the senior members of the service to continue supporting the implementation of all Government policies designed to accelerate economic growth.
He cited as one of ZPCS’s urgent priorities providing food to inmates.
“Let us take advantage of the programme and fully utilise the farms at our disposal for self-sustenance in terms of food security in line with the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation.”
The ZPCS elevates prison officers every year in line with the Prisons Act, to improve discipline and loyalty in the organisation for the benefit the nation. herald
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