Wednesday 14 November 2018


HARARE mayor Herbert Gomba has disclosed that government recently approved plans by the local authority to retrench non-performing senior managers and staff, with “substantial” funds set to be put aside in next year’s budget for the exercise.

Gomba told a residents meeting in Avondale at the weekend that Local Government minister July Moyo had given council the green light to fire non-performing employees, and that no political cover would be availed to them.

“In the past, we used to have a challenge as council whenever we fired a senior official. They would rush to central government for cover and the ministry would then instruct us to reinstate them. But this time around, things have changed. The minister has given us powers to fire those who are not working,” he said.

In the past, senior council managers, notably town clerks, used to have the backing of line ministers, making it difficult to enforce disciplinary measures against them.

“What happened last year when we suspended four senior managers should have taught our people that the regime has changed. We hear of district officials who are not working, but busy doing other things in offices, that time has gone,” Gomba said. 

Some of the decisions that senior managers have made which irked residents include the purchase of expensive vehicles for themselves using part of the $144 million Chinese loan meant for the refurbishment of Morton Jaffray Water Works. Newsday


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